The season of facing my fears 

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

It started innocently enough, and on a whim. It was one of those beautiful September mornings, and I had time for a short run. As I started out on my usual route, I had an idea: it was time to face my fears and go down Tobacco Road. About a year ago, I was bitten by a Pitbull on this …

The next generation of fit moms

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

When you’re training someone or hanging around waiting for boot camp to start, there’s always time to talk. And when I’m freshly caffeinated (hellllloooo, Starbucks VIA packets), I tend to want to gab. Once of my favorite things about being a trainer is getting to know people really well one-on-one. I find people’s stories about their lives completely fascinating and …

Think you’re not still athletic? Think again.

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

​“I used to be so athletic in my younger days! I wish I could be like that again.” “Ugh, I’m so out of shape.” “I don’t think I’ll ever get back to what I was able to do back then.” Guys, this is nonsense. It breaks my heart every time I hear it. And for some reason, I’ve been hearing these …

The next generation of girls who love to be strong

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

I just came back from a 10 day vacation, most of which was spent up in Canada at my brother’s place on Lake Temagami. For 7 whole days, I was completely off the grid – no phone or electricity, which meant no internet connectivity. A lot of people asked me, “How did you do it? How can you just disconnect …

In the company of strong women         

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely find it harder to make new friends when you’re over 40, but this year has been the exception. Since January, I’ve had the honor and privilege of spending a lot of time with some amazing women. The women of boot camp come in before the sun is up, often still yawning. Despite the …

When I was 11, all I wanted to be was Mary Lou Retton

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

You better believe I was doing this move along with her in 1984, right in front of the TV. She was my idol. I have always loved the Olympics. Other than a few high school sports, you will not find athletes with such a genuine love of the game matched with a crazy amount of talent. They have the hearts …

Got goals? I sure do.

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

Summer is going by FAST! When it’s time to break out the shorts at the end of the spring, I usually start thinking about a summer fitness goal. Typically the goal is one of two varieties: a number on the scale or a road race. Often, it’s both. This summer, I decided to do neither. Instead, I did these two …

Do what you can, where you can

Rachel Flanagan Uncategorized

I don’t know about you guys, but my summer has been crazy so far. A good crazy, however, with more boot camps and personal training clients (hooray!) but it’s been a challenge to figure out where to fit in my own workouts, especially when the kids are with me. When I can’t get to the gym (or when I’m an …