I’ll let you in on yet another secret about me: I am really, really bad at taking a rest day from exercise. I cherish my workout or running days. It’s time to myself with music pumping in my ears. The workouts and runs shed a layer of stress like nobody’s business, yet also make me feel like I can kick …
My top 10 foods that I almost always have on hand
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been pretty focused on my nutrition. I’m not trying to get 6-pack abs or anything, but I’m just trying to feel a little leaner, to feel a bit better in my clothes, and lighter on my feet during my runs. I’m trying not to get obsessive about it (which I have tended to …
What I wear to workout is about function, not pheromones
These are the running clothes I was wearing on Sunday. They’re my favorites. Two strange things happened this week. I’m going to blame them on the early summer heat. First, I saw a man walk up to his wife in the gym and zip up her shirt so the zipper went all the way up to the top. The couple …
There’s no magic. Put in the work and you will be rewarded.
This is what happens when you have your husband’s voice in your head when you’re deadlifting, saying, “Drag that bar right up your legs. Keep it close!” My son James said to me recently, “Mommy, you’re more fitness-y than sporty.” I won’t lie. My first instinct was to be offended. When I pressed him on why he thought that way, …
“Mommy, why aren’t you wearing a boo-kini?”
WATCH. THIS. VIDEO. My five-year-old daughter Paige is the queen of asking direct questions that give me pause (and of using alternate words for regular things, like bikinis). This question came up on Saturday when we spent the day at a local pool, packed with people taking advantage of the beautiful weather and long weekend. There were lots of moms …
Oy, the guilt
I know I’m a little late to the party here, but I’m still ruminating over Mother’s Day. While most of my Mother’s Day weekend was wonderful—including running with my son in his first 5k and my husband taking care of dinner and clean up on Sunday—there was one moment that pushed me off my cloud for a little while, and …
The kindness of gym strangers
I had every intention of talking about mother’s day in this week’s post but something so touching happened to me this week at the gym that I had to share it with all of you. I am a gym regular, and have up until recently been a 5:30am regular, before the boot camp instructor duties made me change my routine. At …
The day the number on the scale became irrelevant
Willie is my new hero. Here’s her video: https://youtu.be/0zjhSlJN-Qw I’ve had a love-hate relationship with the scale for a long time. When I’d look down at it in the hazy light of morning, this is how my inner dialogue usually went: “Should I weigh myself today? How much sleep did I get? Do I look puffy? Did I eat a …
Don’t be bulkaphobic. Love your muscles.
Try picking up toys—one at a time—while holding a squat. It does a body good. If I had a quarter for every time a woman told me she was afraid of weight training because she didn’t want to bulk up, my kids could spend hours at the arcade. Ladies, I implore you: please don’t fear the bulk. It’s important to …
“Oh, well you’re a REAL runner.”
Me with two of my favorite real runners–my Dad and my brother–after the Reggae half marathon in Jamaica in 2011. Nonsense. Debate me if you like (and you’re more than welcome to) but what in the world is a REAL runner? Here’s my definition: a real runner is someone who runs. Regardless of pace. I realize I’m being captain obvious …